AAA Provides Driving Safety Tips During Deer Season

Approximately 1.6 million motor vehicle crashes are caused by deer each year, and spike from October through December due to deer mating season, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). These collisions make up over $3.6 billion in vehicle damage per year, with each incident averaging $3,000 worth of damage, based on statistics from the I.I.I.

AAA insurance agents say most damage from deer collisions occurs in the front or on the side of a car. If involved in a crash, AAA insurance agents encourage drivers to first call local law enforcement for assistance and then to make note of the date, time, street name and take any pictures to help document the incident.

While driving this fall, AAA insurance agents recommend drivers keep the following tips in mind to stay safe on roadways:

Scan the road and shoulders ahead of you. Looking ahead helps provide enough reaction time if a deer is spotted. Also, remember deer often move in groups, so when there is one deer, there are usually more in the area.

Use high beam headlights if there is no oncoming traffic. Deer may be spotted sooner when using high beams allowing time to slow down, move over or beep to scare the deer away from the road.

If a collision is unavoidable, press the brakes firmly and remain in your lane. Swerving to avoid a deer can often cause a more serious crash or result in drivers losing control of vehicles.

Drivers should always wear a seat belt and drivers should remain awake, alert and sober.