Gary Cornelsen Joins Son in Hays

Gary Cornelsen will pace the sidelines at Redskin Field next fall. But it will be the east sidelines when Hays High pays a visit. Cornelsen will join his son and 1997 LHS graduate Ryan Cornelsen at Hays. Gary will be Ryan’s defensive coordinator. Ironically both Cornelsens are still working for other school districts this spring. Gary is the head track coach at Amarillo Randall High School while Ryan is the athletic director at Lacrosse. Ryan went 53-13 in six seasons at the 2-a school including 32-3 the past two years. Gary went 109-15 with four state titles and three state runner up finishes during his 12 years as Liberal’s head coach from 1991-2001 and again in 2003. Cornelsen coached the LHS boys track team to 14 straight state titles and coached the girls to 11 state titles. Gary was Randall’s defensive coordinator and helped the Raiders allow 18.5 points per game which led their league. Hays was 4-5 last year and 6-12 in two years under coach Rick Blosser. The Indians haven’t made the playoffs since 1995 when they lost to Liberal.