As Seward County Community College/Area Technical School begins its 41st
year in operation, the highlight for this semester is recognition as one of
the top 50 community colleges in the nation.
The Washington Monthly has named SCCC/ATS as number thirty-three in its 2010
ranking of America’s 50 best community colleges. The only other public
Kansas Community College in the top 50 was Barton County Community College
as number 50.
The data is based on the Community College Survey for Student Engagement as
well as the graduation rate of those students who continue their education
and graduate from a four-year college or university. The college has
achieved this honor based on the survey criteria that covers Active &
Collaborative Learning, Student Effort, Academic Challenge, Student Faculty
Interaction and Support for Learning.
While most community colleges are inexpensive, have open admissions, and are
largely unknown outside their local communities, they stand out in teaching
and helping students earn degrees, according to Washington Monthly. Kevin
Carey in this publication went on to say that ??when it comes to quality of
instruction they outperform not only their two-year peers, but many elite
four-year research universities as well. Students at the top community
colleges are more likely than their research university peers to get prompt
feedback from instructors, work with other students on projects in class,
make class presentations, and contribute to class discussions. Research
universities too often subordinate teaching to research. At the best
community colleges, teaching comes first.??
SCCC/ATS has long been known for its personalized instruction and this
recognition show??s the college??s commitment to student success, said Dr.
Duane Dunn, SCCC/ATS president. ??We know that personal interaction,
individual support and advising, and concerted efforts toward insuring
faculty and advisor availability are key aspects of helping students achieve
their goals.??
Traditionally, students who begin at SCCC/ATS and transfer to a four-year
college or university are more successful than those who begin at a
four-year institution. ??A large part of that success can be attributed to
the ongoing efforts of our faculty and staff,?? Dunn said. ??Being recognized
as one of the leading colleges in the nation validates the efforts of our
faculty and staff. We are proud of this recognition and will continue to
make sure our students are provided services, which lead to their success.??
Washington Monthly is a nonprofit magazine, based in Washington, D.C.