The 12 year old Cimarron River Rattlers from Liberal played two games on Sunday at the Mid-Plains Regional in Lamar, Colorado due to having Saturday’s game postponed. On Sunday, The 12’s won 11-1 against La Junta. In their second game the Rattlers beat 39-3 North Platte (Nebraska) 8-4.
The 12’s will play Mineral Area (Missouri) today at 4 p.m. There are only two unbeatens left.
The 11 year old’s are now 1-2 at the Mid-Plains Regional. They beat Missouri 9-8 on Friday, before dropping games North Dakota 8-4 on Saturday, and Colorado 11-10 on Sunday. The loss to Colorado lasted nine innings, which is three extra innings. The 11’s is pool play, so they likely will not advance on to bracket play.