Meth Bust In Goodwell

A van speeding through Goodwell resulted in the arrest of two men who were allegedly trafficking methamphetamine.

Goodwell Police performed a traffic stop on a speeding 1996 Dodge mini-van with Nevada license plates on July 25, according to information obtained from the Texas County Court Clerk’s Office. The driver of the van was identificed as Hector Garibay-Birrueta, 34, and the passenger was 45-year-old Miguel Garibay-Medina.

After finishing the routine traffic stop, police asked for consent to search the vehicle. Permission was granted and, according to the report, the officer noticed something about the gas tank and the immediate area around it. Garibay-Birrueta and Garibay-Medina then agreed to follow the officer to the Goodwell City Shop for further investigation.

Goodwell Police found four bundles along the cross member of the gas tank frame, the Probable Cause Affidavit said. The bundles were inside a plastic container covered with aluminum foil and wrapped in plastic and black electrical tape. The substance tested positive for more than five pounds of methamphetamine. According to Oklahoma State statutes, that amount of methamphetamine is considered trafficking.

Garibay-Birrueta and Garibay-Medina remain behind bars, each on a $250,000 bond, at the Texas County Detention Center. They are charged with Trafficking Methamphetamine within 2000 feet of a School, Conspiracy to Deliver/amufacture/Possess a CDS and Possession of a CDS without Tax Stamp Affixed. All three charges are felonies and could cost each more than 20 years in prison.