Bee Jay Season Ends in Loss to Denver

Brock Kappelmann - August 9, 2023 7:16 pm

The Liberal Bee Jays season ended Wednesday afternoon with a 6-5 loss to the Rocky Mountain Baseball League’s Denver Cougars.  The B.J. offense fell silent with only four hits in the finale at Eck Stadium.  Liberal finished 30-13 and in the round of 12 at the NBC.  They went 2-2 at the 89th version of the annual event.

The first Denver batter reached on an error and later scored.  The Bee Jays plated two in the first.  Isaac Webb singled and scored on a Denver error.  Hudson Polk whistled an RBI double off the wall in right center for the 2-1 lead.  Owen May grounded a two RBI single through the right side for the 4-1 lead in the second.  A sac fly scored a Cougar run in the third but River Jackson nearly through out the runner at home.  Liberal mustered a hit in the third but didn’t have another hit in the game.  Denver tied the game with two in the fourth on one hit, a walk, and a HBP.  The tying run scored on a passed ball.  Denver plated two runs on two hits and an error in the fifth to lead 6-4.  Despite not having a hit the rest of the game, Liberal had chances offensively.  Liberal scored on an error in the eighth to make it 6-5.  But instead of having runners at second and third and one out, a BJ baserunner rounded third and was thrown out at third.  Liberal walked with one out in the ninth, but a line out into a double play ended the season.

Tyler Wilcox was the Epic Touch Player of the Game going four shutout innings.

Denver is 22-19 and Liberal finishes 30-13.

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