The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and listened to a report on a Seward County Food and Beverage Worksite Wellnes Plan. The Commission approved the plan but will be back before the Commission in a Resolution at the next meeting.
The County Commission approved a Budget Adjustment for JCAPS. Monies will be moved from funds to cover expenses in JIAS and JISP as JCAPS had to purchase ankle monitors due to an increase in youth being on ankle monitors. Since the adjustments are $5000 or more the advisory board chair and Seward County Commission Chair signatures are required.
The Commissioners appointed Julia Thompson to the Council on Aging Board, and approved the County Clerk’s office to issue a special check in the amount of $45,170.89, which is the remaining balance after 2019 expenses, to the Seward County Development Corporation.
At the last Commission meeting $75,000 was approved for raises in the Sheriff’s Department, but the final total with tenured employees to include all 29 employees came to a total of $104,760.45. So the Commissioners approved the additional $29,760.45.
The Commission also approved to authorize Chairman Nathan McCaffrey to sign the Blue Cross Blue Sheild contract for the plan year of May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021 with no rate increase for employees.
The Commission also approved the 2019 Encumbrances.