USD 480 School Board Meeting Minutes 09-09-2019

September 9, 2019
ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held at the
Education Service Center and was called to order by President
Steve Helm at 6:30 pm with Mr. Cliff Abbott, Mr. Travis Combs,
Mr. Stewart Cauble, Mr. Alan Brown, and Mr. Royce Kitts in
Mrs. Renae Hickert, Mr. Jerry Clay, Mr. Chad Mease, Mr. Rusty
Tuman, Mrs. Lana Evans, Mrs. Vicki Adams, and Mrs. Jennifer King
were also present.

OPENING PRAYER Pastor Jim Garcia led the opening prayer.

1. Motion by Abbott, seconded by Cauble, to approve the minutes
MINUTES of the August 19, 2019 Board of Education meeting.
APPROVED Motion carried 6-0.

AGENDA 2. Motion by Brown, seconded by Combs, to approve the agenda
APPROVED as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

SUPERINTENDENT Mrs. Renae Hickert presented the following for information:
REPORT a. Back to School Parent Teacher Conference Attendance
DIRECTOR OF Mr. Jerry Clay presented the following for information:
BUSINESS a. Activity Funds
REPORT b. Credit Cards
c. Sales Tax

DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY  ED Mrs. Lana Evans presented the following finformation:
b. Mandated PD
c. Breakfast in the Classroom
d. Food 4 Kids
NOTE: Mr. Nick Hatcher arrived at 6:46 pm.

DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Mr. Chad Mease presented the following information:
a. Performance Contracting
b. LHS Boiler Replacement
c. Project Updates
d. District Office Expenditures

DIRECTOR OF  TECHNOLOGY Mr. Rusty Tuman presented the following information:
a. Auditorium Tech Improvements
b. Lighting Board
c. Wireless Mics and the 600MHz Frequency
CONSENT Motion by Cauble, seconded by Abbott, to approve the items
AGENDA listed in the consent agenda. Motion carried 6-1, with Helm
voting against.

Student a. Approval of Student Overnight Activity Trips:
Overnight 9/28/19- 9/29/19, That Liberal Band, Manhattan, KS
Travel 9/27/19- 9/28/19, Volleyball, Buhler, KS
9/27/19- 9/28/19, Cross Country, Lawrence, KS
10/4/19- 10/5/19, Girls Tennis, McPherson, KS
10/12/19- 10/14/19, Girls Golf Regionals, Wichita, KS
10/11/19- 10/12/19, Cross Country, EL Dorado, KS
10/11/19- 10/12/19, Volleyball, Derby, KS
10/11/19- 10/12/19, Volleyball, Andale, KS
10/17/19- 10/19/19, Girls Tennis State, TBA
10/19/19- 10/21/19, Girls Golf State, Wichita, KS
10/25/19- 10/26/19, Volleyball Sub State, TBA
10/25/19- 10/26/19, Cross Country Regionals, TBA
10/31/19- 11/2/19, Volleyball State, Topeka, KS
11/1/19- 11/2/19, Cross Country State, Lawrence, KS

Open Gym Dates  Approval of the proposed dates for Liberal High School to
have Sunday open gym

Occupational Therapy  Approval of agreement between Megan Carson and USD 480
Agreement 2019 to provide needed Occupational Therapy Services

Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Combs, to approve the bills
presented. Motion carried 6-1, with Abbott abstaining.

REMOVE FROM THE TABLE Motion by Kitts, seconded by Brown, to remove from the
table Policy JCDAD. Motion carried 7-0.
5. Motion by Combs, seconded by Kitts, to approve JCDAD–
Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Policy as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

INTERIM INSTRUCTORS 6. Motion by Combs, seconded by Kitts, to approve the hire and
transfer of interim instructors. Motion carried 7-0.

CASE MANAGERS   Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Abbott, to approve the hire
of case managers. Motion carried 7-0.

LAND DONATION-  Motion by Brown, seconded by Abbott, to table item Land Donation. Motion carried 7-0.

SALTO ACCESS CONTROL Motion by Kitts, seconded by Cauble, to approve the proposal
from Convergint in the amount of $23,270.94.
Motion carried 6-1, with Helm voting against.

ADULT MEAL PRICES Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Cauble, to approve the recommended increase in adult meal prices. Motion carried 7-0.

AUTHORIZATION TO SUSOEND/EXPEL STUDENTS  Motion by Brown, seconded by Hatcher, to approve the
authorization of Principals to suspend students for up to 10 days.
Approve the authorization of Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent
to suspend for up to 90 days or expel a student for up to 186 school
days. Motion carried 7-0.

REAL ESTATE OFFER 12.Motion by Brown, seconded by Kitts, to accept offer for 910 N.
Washington Property pending legal review. Motion carried 7-0.

BOARD COMMENTS Each of the Board Members had the opportunity to report
school activities and meetings they attended or were aware of since
the last board meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSIONMotion by Hatcher, seconded by Kitts, to enter into executive session to discuss matters relating to employer-employee
negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative
or representatives of the body or agency; in order to protect the
district’s right to the confidentiality of its negotiating positions, and
the public interest and the open meeting will resume at 8:30 pm.
Motion carried 7-0.

NOTE: Mrs. Hickert was invited into executive session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Kitts, to enter into executive session to discuss an individual employee’s performance
pursuant to personnel matters for non-elected personnel; in
order to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual
and the open meeting will resume at 9:00 pm. Motion carried 7-0.

NOTE: Mrs. Hickert was invited into executive session.

EMPLOYMENT/ RETIREMENT/RESIGNATIONS Motion by Brown, seconded by Cauble to approve the employment/ resignations/retirement/transfers to district employees with the addition of Kara Mease- Interim Special Ed and the deletion of Avid Tutors. Motion carried 7-0.

Certified Employment
9/9/2019, Shelby Bruckerhoff, Virtual Case Manager, District
Classified Employment
9/3/2019, Alondra Beyna, Building Para, Meadowlark,
Taylor Moss, Transferred
9/5/2019, Jessica Bonilla, ESL Para, SRMS,
Leilani Lopez, 5/24/2019
8/28/2019, Ana Calderon, AVID Tutor, LHS, N/A
8/29/2019, Ruby Campos, Building Para, Cottonwood,
Donna Moody, Transferred
9/3/2019, Emeli Carbajal Flores, Bus Aide, Bus Barn,
Jerron Kurth, 8/29/2019
8/26/2019, Itzel Castillo, ESL Para, LHS,
Diana Herrera Diaz, 4/15/2019
8/27/2019, Alma Cereceres, Food Van Driver, LHS,
Samuel Drummer, 5/23/2019
9/5/2019, Giselle Chacon, Custodian, Cottonwood,
Amandra Martinez-Hernandez, Transferred
8/26/2019, Iris Duran, ESL Para, MacArthur,
Lucero Loredo, 5/23/2019
9/5/2019, Gloria Gandara, ESL Para, MacArthur,
Miguel Navarrete, 5/23/2019
8/26/2019, Audrey Hickox, SPED Para EMS,
Jessica Medina, 5/24/2019
8/29/2019, Anahi Juarez, ESL Para, Meadowlark,
Chaston Pepper, 8/21/2019
8/26/2019, Tania Magallanes, SPED Para, Cottonwood,
Rita Lozano, 8/13/2019
8/29/2019, Leigh Martin,ECSE Para, Bright Start,
Marisa Longoria, 3/6/2019
9/6/2019, Arturo Martinez, AVID Tutor, LHS, N/A
9/3/2019, Esmeralda Nava Cortez, Bus Aide, Bus Barn,
Felicita Torres, Transferred
8/28/2019, Juliet Nava-Chavez, AVID Tutor, LHS, N/A
8/26/2019, Andrea Portillo, SPED Para, Meadowlark,
Cassandra San Luis, Transferred
9/10/2019, Bianca Prieto, Building Para, Sunflower,
Jessica Humphries, 5/24/2019
8/28/2019, Evelyn Rios, AVID Tutor, LHS, N/A
8/22/2019, Maria Rodriguez, Food Preparation, LHS,
Crystal Banda, 8/15/2019
8/29/2019, Andrea Ross, Severe Needs Para, SRMS,
Lizeth Vargas, 5/24/2019
9/5/2019, Susan Ruiz, SPED Para, EMS,
Shelbi Ricks, 4/2/2019
9/10/2019, Cassidy Velasquez, SPED Para, Sunflower, N/A
8/26/2019, Thania Velazquez Cashier Prairie View
Barbara Centeno Diaz, 9/6/2019
8/22/2019, Maria Villa, ESL Para, EMS,
Patrick Blanc, 3/8/2019
Classified Resignations/Retirements
5/24/2019, Oralys Bonilla, SPED Para, Cottonwood
5/24/2019, Melissa Campos, ESL Para, LHS
8/16/2019, Claudia Goytia, Building Para, Sunflower
8/29/2019, Jerron Kurth, Bus Aide, Bus Barn
9/6/2019, Kara Mease, SPED Para, MacArthur
9/26/2019, Rosa Michel, Secretary, Cottonwood
8/22/2019, Calen Moore, Summer, Grounds/Maint District
8/24/2019, Manuel Munoz, Head Custodian, Cottonwood
8/21/2019, Chaston Pepper, ESL Para, Meadowlark
8/26/2019, Alejandro Pulido-Medina, SPED Para, Sunflower
5/24/2019, Elizabeth Reta, SPED Para, EMS
5/24/2019, Erick Rodriguez, ESL Para, LHS
Classified Transfers
8/22/2019, Sarah Beatty, ESL Para @ LHS,
9/9/2019, Lucero Chavira, Title I Para @ MacArthur,
SPED Para @ MacArthur
8/19/2019, Blanca Esparza, Summer Paint Crew @ District,
Food Preparation @ EMS
9/9/2019, Cindy Garcia, SPED Para @ LHS,
Title I Para @ MacArthur
8/19/2019, Julia Garcia Rodriguez, Summer Paint Crew @ District,
Food Preparation @ LHS
8/20/2019, Carol Gift, Building Para @ Cottonwood,
SPED Para @ Cottonwood
8/19/2019, Maria Gomez, Summer Moving Crew @ District,
Food Preparation @ SRMS
8/23/2019, Lucero Loredo Mendoza, ESL Para @ MacArthur,
AVID Tutor @ LHS
8/22/2019, Krista Marquez, SPED Para @ Prairie View,
SPED Para @ Sunflower
9/11/2019, Amanda Martinez-Hernandez, Custodian @
Cottonwood, Head Custodian @ Cottonwood
8/15/2019, Rocio Munoz Terrazas, ECSE Para @ Bright Start,
Parent Coordinator @ Bright Start
8/19/2019, Lucila Perez, Summer Paint Crew @ District,
Bakery Dept Head @ EMS
8/19/2019, Patricia Peters, Summer Paint Crew @ District,
Food Preparation @ SRMS
8/19/2019, Joanna Revelez, Summer Paint Crew @ District,
Cashier/Food Production @ LHS
8/28/2019, Felicitas Torres, Bus Aide @ Bus Barn,
Food Production @ LHS
ADDITION TO AGENDA  Motion by Kitts, seconded by Cauble, to add Negotiated Agreement to the agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
Motion by Kitts, seconded by Combs, to approve a MOU on
AGREEMENT Article IG to be as follows:
Planning Time: All certified employees shall have 300 minutes
per 5 day work week of duty free planning time. Plan times must
have at least 5 blocks of no less than 30 consecutive minutes of
continuous plan time per week. Certified employees may be
pulled no more than 60 minutes per 5 day work week during their
plan time unless the certified employee is on a Plan of Assistance.
Examples of when a certified employee may be pulled include, but
are limited to, attendance at, or participation, a meeting (i.e. Sit
and IEP), Inservice, to cover another class, to substitute in another
lass, or for such other purposes as the building principal deems
Motion carried 7-0.
ADDITION TO AGENDA Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Brown, to add Bond Projects to the agenda. Motion carried 7-0.

BOND PROJECTS  Motion by Hatcher, seconded by Cauble, to authorize Wyatt Hoch,
Foulston Siefken, to engage MEA Consulting Engineers on behalf
of USD 480. Motion carried 7-0.

ADJOURNMENT 20.Motion by Brown, seconded by Abbott, to adjourn the meeting
at 9:22 pm. Motion carried 7-0.