The Liberal Chamber of Commerce will host their annual “Duck Festival” Saturday at Light Park in Liberal. Events will kick off with a Red Hot Chili Pepper 5K and 1 mile Run Walk. Registration will begin at 7:30, race at 8:00am in Light Park. Proceeds to benefit the Seward County United Way. The will be food, fun and festivities all day long culminating with the “Duck Race” at 2:00pm. Scheduled throughout the day will be booths from commercial vendors and non-profit organizations, a firefighter water fight, bouncy houses, trike races for adults, Duck Splat, a scavenger hunt and more. In conjunction with the Festival will be the Seward County United Way Chili and Soup Cook Off. 12-15 teams have already signed up. National Beef will also be selling hamburgers. Ducks will be available for purchase for $10 each, a 6 “Quack” for $50 or 13 for $100, at the race as well. The Duck Festival pays out a total $10,000.00 in prize money.