UPDATE: USD 480 Issues Statement Regarding School Threat

Over the past few days, the school district has fielded concerns about threats to one of our schools.

Local emergency officials and security protocols were implemented and USD 480 administration and the LPD are taking appropriatemeasures to address the situation with the individuals involved. USD 480 is committed to the safety and security of every student. As you know,all schools regularly perform simulations and drills so that students, teachers,
and staff know the appropriate protocols.

We take emergency readiness very seriously. The protocols that have been implemented are meant to prepare staff
to assess the incident.

The district has a very close relationship with the Liberal Police Department and we jointly plan and participate in routine emergency response drills and are cooperating fully with their investigation. We need to work together, as a community, to create a safe and supportive learning environment. We ask that you please discuss the incident with your
student, emphasizing the seriousness of this situation. Encourage them to come forward if they have any information, and if in your conversations, you discover any information that can assist us in our investigation, please contact the Liberal Police Department immediately.