480 Seeks Feedback for Use of Esser Funds

USD 480 is looking for feedback that will help effectively plan for the future and the utilization of ESSER III funds. We are seeking input from our stakeholders on our spending plan for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) as provided by the American Rescue Plan.

ESSER Funding is provided to all schools throughout the country to respond and recover from the impact of COVID-19 on students and communities. Funding from this grant will help USD 480 provide the necessary support and services to our students and families to ensure they not only recover, but thrive during the next few years.

In the link below you will find several areas we are exploring and we need your input on how we should prioritize our expenditures. Please take time to review these areas and provide the feedback you believe we should have to understand the needs of our stakeholders and make the best decisions for our students and community.