480 Keeps Same Quarantine and Isolation Policy


On 12/27/21 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated the isolation and quarantine guidance for the general population. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment also adopted new guidelines for the public. For clarification, the “general population or public does not include K-12 schools and institutions of higher education as stated in the guidance. It also does not include people who work in a health care setting or other congregate setting such as correctional facilities, long term care facilities, or preschools. The CDC has already issued their updated information for K-12 schoolsdated 12/29/21 continuing to state 10 days of isolation for positive cases in this setting.

There will be no changes in isolation or quarantine practices for USD 480 students and staff. As Liberal residents, the guidelines adopted by Seward County are what USD 480 follows and there have been no changes announced at this time. The district works closely with Seward County Health Department staff and will keep all informed if any changes are made. The isolation period for individuals who test positive remains 10 days. Release letters from Seward County Health Department (or the health department of your residence) are required for any student or staff to return to school or work.