480 Board of Education Meets, Hears from Boundary Committee

The USD 480 Board of Education met in regular session Monday evening. Members of the boundary committee were in attendance to share a recommendation that could alleviate the overcrowding issues faced by the district as a long-term solution. A public forum will be held on March 29th at 6:00pm at the Depot to hear comments from parents and community members. The boundary changes will return to the agenda for final approval on April 10th. The board approved the donation of playground equipment from the former Washington, Garfield, Lincoln, McDermott, and McKinley school sites to the City of Liberal to be used at various locations around Liberal.

Also approved by the BOE was a tuition assistance plan for staff, renewal of district classroom resources, refinishing and maintenance of the district gym floors over the summer, staff travel, instructional technology needs, and the addition of new positions including school-based social workers, teachers, and food service.