480 Board Meets in Jewell and Durler’s Last Meeting

Monday night marked the final meeting for two USD 480 school board members. President Chris Jewell and member Matt Durler served on the board for one final meeting. Superintendent Paul Larkin presented plaques to both. Cliff Abbott and Travis Combs will take their spots on the board on July 6.

The board approved the purchase of additional property for the Seymore Rogers Middle School and Prairie View Elementary School sites near the Hampton Inn. They purchased a couple of lots for 10,200 dollars to help with drainage at the two schools. The board also approved the purchase of 200 chrome books for the high school, middle school, and intermediate schools for 71,198 dollars. The board approved the purchase of software for students in the district who need more help in math especially students who move into the district late. The I Excel Learning Program is for students K-8 and is federally funded for 15,120 dollars.