480 Board Approves Process of Appeal for Fired Teachers

The state of Kansas has done away with teacher tenure. USD 480 falls under that umbrella, however, the USD 480 board approved a process of appeal for teachers with at least five years of experience. The board put together a process of appealing a termination which would go before a grievance committee. The board voted in favor of this appeal process 7-0.

The board also appoved adding space to the special ed areas and gymnasiums in the new elementary schools. The new gyms would be regulation size and have wooden floors. They previously were going to be smaller than regulation and have a teraflex floor. The new gyms will be similar to the gyms at Sunflower and Cottonwood which will be converted to elementary schools. This will make gym space uniform at all the elementary schools. This will add about 1.9 million dollars to the bond project but the district won’t have to ask for additional funds. This alteration still falls within the current bond project. The board approved adding space to elementary gyms and special ed areas 6-1.