480 Board Approves Less Contract Days for Next Year

The USD 480 school board met Monday night and voted for less school days next year. The board approved the 2016-17 calender which will call for 178 contract days down from this year’s 184. This is due to the transition into new schools next year.

The board also contracted with Precision Environment Group for Asbestos abatement at MacArthur Elmentary before it can be torn down. After the school year, the school will be torn down to begin work on a new school at the MacArthur location. This is part of the bond issue.

The glass on the roof at the two main entrances at Liberal High School will be replaced. The board accepted Southwest Glass and Door’s bid of 15,620 dollars for a hail resistant red aluminum flash hard board core to replace the glass which had broken and needed to be replaced several times throughout the years.