$30,000 In Farm Chemicals Stolen In Finney County

The Garden City Co-Op, just north of Holcomb, is one of two locations in Finney County where a very expensive chemical was stolen.

A herbicide called Balance Flexx, costs nearly $500 a gallon. Fifty gallons were stolen from the co-op sometime in April. It was reported to the Sheriff’s Office a week ago when an employee noticed the chemical was missing.

That same week, another ten gallons of the same substance were stolen on a farm about 15 miles north of Garden City, in the Pleasant Valley Township.

The two thefts total more than $30,000 dollars in losses. The Finney County Sheriff’s Office thinks the two incidents are related, but they do not have any suspects at this time.

Anyone with information regarding the chemical thefts is asked to call the Finney County Sheriff’s Department at 620-272-3700.