10 Tips to Grow Your Social Media Marketing

Visit Liberal/Liberal Convention and Visitors Bureau has had some coaching and assistance with social media this past year. Stephen Koranda, with Back To You Marketing, will be in Liberal to present a marketing seminar “10 Tips To Grow Your Social Media Marketing.” The seminar will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday, April 3, at the Hampton Inn and Suites.

This live seminar is for small businesses or non-profit organizations that are just starting or are new to social media. Come learn how social media can help feed your business or organization with more customers, referrals, donations, members, volunteers, prospects and results. 

In this session you will learn:

  • Why small businesses and non-profits are using social media to grow their business and organization.
  • What social media marketing really “ is” and ” is not”
  • Learn 10 social media tips & best practices to help you “go” and “grow” your social media marketing campaigns and results
  • Walk away with FREE technology tools that can help you manage, monitor and measure your online brand and marketing
  • Learn tips on how to grow and promote your social media channels.
  • Take away ideas for craft content that will increase your engagement, results, reach and customer loyalty
  • Understand how email marketing campaigns can help you “Go” and GROW” your social media marketing

NOTE:  This is NOT a hands-on computer seminar. No computers are needed.

Registration is $10. Register at: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=5wwcnrcab&oeidk=a07edxmnbb7e63890f2