“Maintain Don’t Gain! Holiday Challenge” at Seward County Extension Office

Seward County Extension is bringing the “Maintain Don’t Gain! Holiday Challenge” weight-maintenance program to our community
This simple 6 week program is designed to get folks through the holiday season with minimal weight gain.

Here’s how it works: 


  • Participants sign a pledge not to gain more than two pounds over their starting weight.  They weigh-in before Thanksgiving, again mid-December and after New Years.  
  • Weigh-in can take place at the Extension Office or  at your workplace or home as long as a witness verifies the weigh-ins and the same balanced scale is used each time. 


  • A $5 fee is charged and prizes of two $50 Liberal Chamber Bucks are awarded at the end of the challenge from a drawing of those who complete all three weigh-in’s.
  • Motivational e-mails are sent to participants throughout the challenge period.
The form you’ll need to register or it can be downloaded at www.seward.ksu.edu
The Holiday Promise Pledge  form (or Offsite Affidavit) along with the $5 registration fee must be returned to the Seward County Extension Office, 1081 Stadium Road, Liberal KS no later than Nov. 23rd at 4:30 pm. Make checks payable to Seward County Extension. Sorry, no credit cards can be accepted.

Don’t delay the first weigh-in will be the week of November 14 – 18 and 21 – 23!
 For more information contact:


Kathy Bloom
Family Consumer Sciences/4-H Agent Seward County
K-State Research and Extension
1081 Stadium Rd., Liberal KS  67901
(620) 624-5604 Office, (620) 624-0742 Fax
[email protected]